Envases Austria: www.envases.at
Envases Switzerland: www.envases.ch
Envases France: www.envases.fr
Envases UK: www.envases.uk
Envases Hungary: www.envases.hu
Envases representation for Poland: www.envases.pl
Envases minikeg Blog: www.minikeg.blog
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More about the world of Envases party kegs on Facebook fassforfun:
“Cans for Life” is a campaign that wants to raise awareness about the existence, the numerous benefits and environmental credentials of metal packaging.
Click the links below for further information about packaging and recycling:
Metal Packaging Europe
Verband Metallverpackungen e.V.
Apeal - Verband der Europäischen Weißblechhersteller
KBS, Kreislaufsystem Blechverpackungen Stahl
DSD, Duales System Deutschland AG
Deutsches Verpackungsinstitut e.V.
ThyssenKrupp Rasselstein, manufacturer of tinplate
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